The Answer to the Question of the Miserable Girl

         There are a lot of things we question to ourselves.The "why's" and "why not's", but things happen in a perfect reason. Maybe life wants you to experience this things so that you can or will be stronger in the future. Life will never give you things you can't handle. Life is fun, learn to make it full. Like what others say live life you only have one. Enjoy every single bit of your life. Love the people around you. Experience things you need to experience. Love, be broken, have scar, stand up, be proud, and be happy. Think of positive things. Don't let bad energy ruin your good energy. Every single day is worth it. you just have to see what it will give you and be positive. Problems have solutions. Don't worry much that you will never solve it but be positive enough that you will do it right. You may be a spoiled always happy child from your past bring that child up to the future and attract the positive energy. Be happy and live your life to the fullest. Be inspired and you will do it right. Be brave to face anything. Be cool and stay that way... 


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