How many times have you questioned yourself 'who are you? why are you alive? why do you live?'. My answers? Who are you not to live? who are you not to be alive? How dare you question yourself who you are? You are a daughter of God. You are a princess for him. You are who he made you. You are a beloved. You live because he loves you. You live because God made you. God breathe under you. Be proud that you have lived. You have a mission to accomplish. Do good things. Being depressed is just a obstacle God wants you to overcome. God is making you strong for you to face a better life ahead. Be stronger. Tell yourself "I am strong no matter what happens no matter how hard." Be happy about you life. God loves you so much and He will do everything to make you strong. Suicide is not an excuse. Not an excuse to get away from the pain. Not an excuse for letting something go. Not an excuse to be free. In spite of depression try to be happy. Be free with your own happiness use your depression in the right way. Use it as your own strength. Use it as a way to be happy. Use it to put yourself into success. Use this to make them jealous. Use this to make them see who you really are. Use this to feel happy one day. Use this to laugh truly. 


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